- hari ni sgt panjang coz byk benda kena bwt.. pi aloq staq la... cek makmal baru, set up lcd lg... semua tu as a new experience to me.. tak lah bosan sgt hari ni..
- i dont know what to say for blog today... i just thinking about my future, and present.. and then i feel that there is a lot of path and journey that i had to face it by myself.. day after day past without any sign, and i realise that my heart was fallen into somebody... and i dont know why it was happened to me.. why not to others... my friend keep asking me "hey asrul, why do you look so blink2".. and i said, its nothing.. ahhhhh... why people surround me can get their love in past and good manners.. its seem to be the hardest word to me.. but, i always set in my mind maybe that person was not suitable or maybe God has given me another person to be part of my life..
- well, life must go on eventough you had to facing a big matter.. living in these worlds must be crime and tough.. like my late grandma say, we should not let anything goes without any action unless u cannot face it anymore.. guys, do you believe love?? this questionaire always plays in my mind.. i do beleive love but for me there are many ways that we can find loves.. no matter in what ways,love begin when your heart was stuck together and its called love to me... love doesnt mean you should having an intimate relationship.. but loves can exist when you cares about your friend... need him/her to be beside you... though you and him/her are not in biologically related, loves also can exists...
- for me loves has a lot meaning and ways....but i realise that there is one love that never lasting.. FRIENDSHIPS..
- do you know why?? because friends was the person know about you everything even you had a bad behave, or good.. they know you so well and keep supporting you... he always cover you when you in problems. better friends is like a guard, because he keep protect you and when you down, he always keep you up.. a loves between friendship existing when he keep swallowing what you had done to him... without sincerity, loves never exist between you and him/her.... do remember one thing guys, never fall in loves with external factors.. but adore him/ her when he keep you up.. brings you joy.. loves his/ heart, kindness, and loyalty.. dont ever let materialistics, good looking take over your relationship...
- thats all i can say for today.. that mean, my blog will not have any entries until this sunday coz i m going for my weekend.. na, take a deep breath and believe your loves with passion.. eventough you are hoping for something that wouldnt be yours, try to be his/her best partner.... happy holiday

hidup hijau kuning ku...
p/s: haha... sori la my english's not good... eventough ppsmi akan terhapus, but we should make english as our second language.....