Sensation Of My Life
live ur life without limit
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Sekolah Kebangsaan Lubuk Chempedak
A day with blessing morning.. This is the story about my school that i have been posted.. and i felt so lucky when i got offer letter from KPM..
Sunday, September 30, 2012
when september end..
It's been a years i dont posted anything since a became a teacher... living in this place makes me sick and realize whose is your real friends or traitors. But luckily u wont go does forever, remember u gonna rock em all. When september came, it bring a lot of mesmerizing phase. I Cannot explained it cos seem it gonna Hurt my feeling especially.. true, its really awkward and make me burden, but i've to disassemble it alone by myself.. Keep listen to this song Larut by Dewa... arghhhhh.....
Monday, July 25, 2011
It's a Perfect Strangers.

This few days I feel so disapointed and heart-broken. It is awful and I feel that your words totally make me unconscious. To be frank, when the first time I know you, I that you're really good person, easy going and relaxing. But the problem happen when you scold me last night. But before that, you had wrote something on your blog apparently. You know what, even i'm really bad person I never make you burden. But, the biggest mistake that I had done is knowing you. You know what, it is awkward when you text me with nasty words, writing a weir-do perception. I just can pray to my dear God for everything happen. And you make me embrassing. I've no mood to teach and do works. By the way, I just want to say thank you so much, for making your friends heart crying.
Saya rasa kesal, dan menyesal sebab terlalu baik dengan manusia2 yang x pernah rasa saya ni baik. I never ask for response or granted from you. But please respect on people perceptions, behaviours and feels. Today i went to school with a bruise eyes. I never feel like this before. Even I'm real-ly bad2 person, i never hurting you!! Actually i haven't read anything, till this morning i read something on your e-diaries.. oh wow, your words totally hot. You know what? It's kiling me softly. What do you feels? Actually you don't feels anything because you have any feelings..
Ya, i'm sensitive person, full of trouble, troublesome, and whatever you says about me is correct. I'm FULL OF ERRORS guys living in a broken life. I can't wait hardly to finish my course here. I don't want to live at Johore anymore. I wanna go back Penang, leaving all this thing. You know why I'm still here?? Because you had motivate me before that semester breaks, u gave me a lots of words of wisdom to embrace this course till death. But what you had done? You screw up everything. Hurting your friends.
Last night, when you text me,scolding me with that words, suddenly I'm thinking of a few Malays poem. And it's sound like this :
Buat Baik Berpada-Pada,
Buat Jahat Jangan Sekali.
As I know, no one says bad words or says something behind when we turn into best friends. That's is only your misperception and wrongly intuition on me. And thank you so much. I need to talk to someone, but I can't because you has warn me last night. With a blister words....
Thank you so much. And I promise won't disturb you anymore. Don't worry, you never owe me anything, I just feel sad and really tightened with your perceptions. Take care, don't eat the thing that you can't eats. Thanks again. :(
Monday, July 4, 2011
thx u
Terima kasih kepada semua yang wish besday aku... Terharu jugak ni... Special thanks for my parents. I miss them so much... Harap semuanya akan berlalu dengan cepat.. Sedih la plak... huhuhu... Tapi rasa semangat bila dapat ucapan besday dr kwn2, sepupu aku.. haha.. Paling spesel dari org yang aku sayang... Sapa ya... H ka... haha... keywords.. tettttt.... Kalau dia baca kan best.. Tapi, dia la semangat sebenarnya... untuk belajaq dan etc2... haha... last word, TERIMA KASIH semuaanya...
Monday, June 27, 2011
hari ini dan selamanya
Salam dan selamat petang semuanya... Hari ni memang menyakitkan hati... Tekanan teruss sampai malam... RPH la, Unit Plan la.. hanjeng tol... huhu... Dah la tu, aku pi ajak orang yang xmau keluar gan aku.. SENTAP.. Apa nak buat.. Orang tengok aku ni bad boy kut.. Atau memang aku ni hantu kut.. Suka hisap darah.. haha.. Well, benda ni biasa la... Tapi maybe aku expect lebih kut... Ingatkan diri aku dah perfek rupanya masih belum lagi.. TP better react macam biasa.. Sebab bila aku buat hanjeng, orang cepat berasan.. Hurm..
Actually aku xtau la nk categorized blog aku ni lebih kepada apa... Maybe luahan perasaan yang xpenah2 orang buat.. Almaklumla, susah nk bercakap tentang benda2 weird ni. Better menulis ja.. Umpama mata pisau yang menikam jantung.. Haish merepek apa la.. Almost a year, i try to make everyone comfortable with me.. But there are still lack of my personality.. Wrongly attitude.. (guess what) hurmm...
Bila dah jd macam ni, rasa bosan ja... Nak belah la untuk dua tiga hari... Pegi jauh, keep silence and jadi budak JAHAT.. mampukah... ? haha.. xjugak... If i had RM80k, dah lama aku stop menda2 ni.. Even my future gonna be greater, but i'm sick of this thing!! Teringin nak marah sapa2, tapi aku ni jenis xpandai nk marah orang.. Walau mati di bunuh sekali pn, tetap ilek-ilek sudah...
Penat la... Terasa pun ada.. Dulu orang selalu cakap, kesabaran membuahkan hasil... Memang ya la.. Tapi sekarang, dah rasa "alah bisa, tegal biasa... Okeyla, time for rest... huhu... Hafiz dating gan Suffi.. Tinggal kami semua.. haha.. sentap...
klik la link.. lagu best... Memang kena pada waktunya..
Thursday, June 23, 2011
How Can You Be A Good Person?
Hurmm... guess what, i had been thinking of this thing so many times... huhuhu... But it keeps come apparently inside my mind. There are many types of person that we can differentiate them.
First by looking on their behaviour. As we know, behaviour plays important role in reflecting everyone. Actually i lost my mind because i don't have any points to write this topic. haha.. However, me and friend had moved from hostel to outside. Guess what? It was so pathetic when we had to share a small room with 3 person inside. huhu.. There are also a few neighbours. And this area look like a "dark areas" when i saw a few "sisters" walking a the night and find a money... adoii.. So scary.. What to do huh? Unless you anak Dato' maybe you can stay in the hostel with few MPP(master of PUPPETS) controlling and show their kids power!! bodoh sial...
When the ideas come~~ haha... As usuall, when the night comes there will be a sound surround us. Of course DRAMA has started.. Demmit... You may feel like a "Panic at Disco" when they start their activities on 9.00 p.m.. everyday!!
Sebenarnya, apabila kita tinggal dalam keadaan sebegini, kita akan lebih mengenali diri, kawan-kawan dan sebagainya. And i should be thankful to God when He send me a good friends(i guess) haha... Anda sangat bertuah apabila dikurniakan kawan yang banyak membantu dan menolong. Sebabnya ialah, aku ini seorang yang penuh dengan kelemahan dan "kemaluan" haha.. Walaupun keadaan bilik sarang ayam yang sangat sempit dan berbau-bau kasturi segala nih, tapi keadaan cukup indah apabila nilai persahabatan mengatasi semuanya. Malam2 mendatang dengan bermain burung2 marah (angry birds). Dan x lama lagi, kami semua akan menempuhi alam praktikal yang maha dasyat sebabnya ELTM kena guna program dari INTEL. demmmit.. I was in pressured when our big momma ask us to finish up Lesson Plan.. Apalah kegunaan program tu.. Eventhough, that program really important but as a beginner teacher like us, it seems to be the hardest thing to cope all this thing. my mess feel face.. silap la plak. my face feels like messy..
Nantikan sambungan~~ tidoq sat
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
luckily that person has text me via fb chat.. i m so glad and happily ever after.. hahaha... but one thing has happen to me when i woke up in the morning... the postmen gave a letter from court that state i had been sued by PTPTN.. OMG.. fakkkk... what the hell was happening.. i dont have any salary yet money to gave them.... huhu... what should i do...??? last thing, i think i should call their management and say something about my problem.. i dont want to be blacklisted!!! demmitt... its really freaky and weirdo.... duhhhhhhh........ should i told my family.... huhu... its ald 12.oo a.m but still cant make up my mind.... o God bless me... but nothing cant change it.... should i bring WHAT......... nite all....
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